6:15 AM06:15

2nd Annual Chancla Open

Get ready to kick off some fun at our second annual CHANCLA Open! This is not just an event; it’s a fiesta where delicious food, fabulous raffles, and fantastic company come together to create unforgettable memories. Bring your family and friends, because the more, the merrier! Let’s unite as a community and celebrate the joy of togetherness—because when we come together, we truly have the best time! So, dust off those clubs and get ready to tee off for a day filled with laughter and connection that will leave you feeling uplifted and inspired! There is still time to register, click below for more information!

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Phx Pride Parade - Preparation (Prop Making)
4:00 PM16:00

Phx Pride Parade - Preparation (Prop Making)

AGUILA is proud to support and participate in this year's Phoenix PRIDE Parade!

We welcome our current student, alumni, and Aguila supporters to join us in celebrating Diversity, Inclusion, and Love. If you're interested in helping us prepare for the event, We will be gathering together on October 12th to work on props for the parade!

Event Details:

  • Prop-Making Session: October 12th, after our session at Pan American Charter School 4pm- 7:30pm

  • Phoenix PRIDE Parade / October 20th / Time duration: 7:00am - 1pm

  • Meeting location to be announced. (near 3rd Street and Oak)

  • Day of parade: All are welcome to join: Current students, Alumni, and AGUILA supporters.

Please email Monica Avila (monica.avila@aguilayouth.org) if you are interested in assisting with the preparations on October 12th.

In addition to, we will need to know by October 15th if you are interested in participating in the parade with AGUILA.

MORE DETAILS TO FOLLOW..... 602-518-0612

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