AIM CONFERENCE August 8, 2020
This event provides freshmen and sophomores with a one-day university experience that provides AIM (Aspiration, Inspiration and Motivation) necessary for academic success. AIM serves as point of entry into the year-round AGUILA program. AGUILA will recognize sponsors:
- Speaking opportunity to welcome all students and civic leaders at opening ceremonies
- Opportunity to participate in a student session
- Ten (10) seats - Lunch with the students
- Recognition of sponsor in all press releases, print materials, signage surrounding the event and website
- Placement of corporate logo on student shirts
- Twenty (20) Scholarships to cover PSAT exams - a value of $400
- Recognition of sponsor in all press releases, print materials, signage surrounding the event and website
- Five (5) seats - Lunch with the students
- Placement of corporate logo on student shirts
- Ten (10) Scholarships to cover PSAT exams - a value of $200